Thursday, April 14, 2011

Doors to the Future

A member of the UVM Project SEED team visited our school today to share the model their project, Doorways! Project SEED is a partnership between teachers: Paul Fitzgerald, Matthew Duquette and Jeremy Flax and a team of undergraduate engineering students in the design course, which is taught by Mike Rosen. A Federal Grant funded the project and provided the students with seven netbooks, mindstorms software and some new NXT robots.

The  project aims to present GISU students the opportunity to modify and program a robot to open a series of doors using materials form both the lego kits and from common hardware tools. The project focuses on the structure function relationship from the Vermont GCE's in life science, which states that students should understand that there is a relationship between how a structure is used and its shape. For example, ears are shaped to funnel sound into the inner ear because the ear is for hearing. The engineering students hope that students will transfer their understanding of structure and function with robots to biological systems.

Students expressed excitment over the challenges and opportunities presented to them. Three students, and their families, from the Folsom School have been invited to attend the Capstone Presentations at UVM on 5/4, when the UVM students will present their final projects.

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