7th grades love probability because they get to use to to design their own games as a culminating activity for our probability unit.
We then made a spinner that would represent these probabilities using geometer's sketchpad. We added a button to randomly spin so that we could decided if the player would "hit" or miss a specific shot.
The game lasted for ten shots, and was won by a single point. The students cheered and argued but largely had a good time.
The following day, the students broke into smaller groups to build them own games. Some students decided to collect data on their own shooting to make a realistic basketball game. the photo below illustrates a student taken a shot in the data collection phase.
In this photo, some students are using a netbook to make the spinners in geometer's sketchpad based on their results.
Other students decided to experience a disease simulation using starlogo. These students are expected to learn how to use the simulation over six guided activities. Then, the students will conduct some internet research using a website such as the CDC or NIH to simulate the spread of a disease of their choice. Past choices have included smallpox and H1N1.
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